Selling a home

Guide to Selling Your Home in Ireland

Selling your home can feel complex and stressful, but with the right guidance, it can be straightforward and rewarding. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process of selling your home in Ireland:


Prepare your property for the market

Before putting your house up for sale, it’s important to make it as appealing as possible to potential buyers. Consider tasks such as decluttering, cleaning, minor repairs, painting, and enhancing the outdoor areas. You should also get your home valued by an estate agent to determine a reasonable asking price.


Engage a solicitor

Appoint a solicitor who will handle the legal aspects of the sale. They’ll request necessary documents like title deeds and guide you through the process from preparing the contract to closing the sale.


Select an estate agent

While selling privately is an option, you can also hire an estate agent who will market your property, negotiate with buyers, and help you secure the best price. Choose an agent based on their fees, reputation, and track record in your area.


Set the asking price

Based on your property’s value assessment, set a realistic asking price. Overpricing can deter buyers, while under-pricing may result in a lower final sale price. Look at recent sale prices of similar properties in your area for guidance and communicate with your estate agent.


 Market your property

Your estate agent will create a listing, take professional photographs, and advertise your property on various platforms, including online portals and social media.


 Host viewings

Prepare your home for viewings and make it as presentable as possible. Your estate agent can provide guidance on how to showcase your property effectively.


Negotiate and accept an offer

When you receive an offer, you can choose to accept, reject, or negotiate with the person interested in buying your home. Once you agree on a price, the buyer will communicate with your estate agent.


Exchange contracts

After accepting an offer, your solicitor will exchange contracts with the buyer’s solicitor. The buyer signs the contract and transfers a deposit, typically 10% of the purchase price, making the sale legally binding.


Complete the sale

Once contracts are signed by the seller and the balance of the purchase price is paid by the buyer, the sale is completed. The deeds of the property are transferred to the buyer’s solicitor.


Vacate the property and hand over the keys

After completing the sale, you should cancel any utilities linked to the property and hand over the keys to the new owner.

Additional Considerations

  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT): Consult with a tax expert if applicable.
  • Property tax and charges: Ensure necessary documents are in order.
  • Energy efficiency: Obtain a Building Energy Rating (BER) for your property.
  • Property Price Register: Sale details will be recorded here.
  • Mortgage: Repay any existing mortgage from sale proceeds.

Selling your home in Ireland involves careful planning, legal considerations, and effective marketing. By following these steps and seeking assistance from professionals when needed, you can navigate the process smoothly and achieve a successful sale.

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