Support and Services

Support and Services

The HSE provides a broad range of health and social care services across Ireland.  Some services are provided by the HSE and others are provided by voluntary organisations and charities, especially in the disability sector. There are also services provided in other sectors.

Services for Disabled people and their carers can include health and social care services as well as;

  • specialist assessment
  • rehabilitation
  • income maintenance
  • community care
  • residential care
  • respite
  • home care and day-care.

Some services are provided directly by the HSE and many community, residential and rehabilitative training services are provided by voluntary organisations with grant aid from the HSE.

For general information on Specialist Disability Services please see – Disability Services –

Find the disability services that are in your county.

Disabled people are entitled to general health services which are available through your Primary Care Team. For more information on Public Care Teams Health Support see our Health Support page.

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